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E-course on Food Systems 2022

Netherlands Food Partnership and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs invite you to participate in the E-course on Food Systems 2022, facilitated by Wageningen University & Research. The E-course is free of charge and designed for professionals active in Food and Nutrition Security programmes in low and middle income countries that have a priority in Dutch international development policy. It’s a unique chance to engage and discuss with more than 350 professionals: policy makers from national governments, professionals working in development organizations, NGOs, private sector, and knowledge and education institutions from all over the world. If you are interested, you can register below.

Click here to register by January 28, 2022 and join us in this inspiring course

Get a headstart in addressing food systems challenges

The food systems approach is increasingly being used to understand how food is produced and consumed, with an optimal outcome for human health, social justice, economic endeavour and the preservation of planetary resources. Since the Food Systems Summit of the UN in September 2021, it has become central to policy and practice of many international development and research organisations, multilateral organisations and in programs and policies aiming at improving Food and Nutrition Security,

Details of the course

The duration of the e-course covers five weeks with four modules. Each module requires a time investment from you of 4-5 hours. You will receive a WUR-certificate after completing all modules of the course.

Network Café: Introduction to e-course, learning platform and fellow participants.

February 10-11. Admission, instructions, option to sign up for group work

Module 1: Why does a food systems approach matter?

February 14 - 18. Plenary session on Feb 16, 14-15h CET, GMT+1

Module 2: Making food systems analysis work

February 21 - 25. Plenary session on Feb 23, 14-15h CET, GMT+1

February 28 - March 4. Week off / catch-up week

Module 3: The process of transforming food systems

March 7 - 11. Plenary session on March 9, 14-15h CET, GMT+1

Module 4: Governance of food systems transformation

March 14 - 18. Plenary session on March 16, 14-15h CET, GMT+1

Every module has individual learning activities (3-4 hours), a plenary session (1 hour) and the option to do group work (1 hour). The individual learning activities include watching short videos, reading an article, reflecting on blog posts, completing short quizzes, applying food systems thinking to your own work and online discussions with participants and facilitators. The plenary sessions have key-note speakers and facilitated discussions. The group work is guided by 4 assignments that link the e-course content to your work reality. Group work is optional, you can sign up and join a group during the introduction days. Evaluations show that this mode of social learning adds a lot of value and is much appreciated.

After completing the course you will be able to:

●     Understand and work with the concept of food systems based on current academic insights;

●     Understand how food systems feature in the current international policy debates;

●     Commission food systems analysis in order to inform policies or interventions in the domain of food, agriculture and development;

●     Work with the food system framework and make your programmes more relevant and effective to realise food system outcomes.

January 13

Video Competition: Southeast Asia & Bangladesh Youths for Sustainable Food System

April 8

Campaign Talk 'Community Garden: an Initiative to Support Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems'